CDN将在澳大利亚和新西兰的著名心脏学会的最前沿 66日 从八月在布里斯班年度科学会议 2-5.
我们经验丰富的团队, 从展台参展 #137, 将为代表们有机会观看和讨论我们的技术支持更大的临床和实践的效率在自己的领域.
本次论坛的目的是交流各地临床思想和及时的讨论和研究的问题, 包括诊断的最新进展, treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease.
CDN will present demonstrations of 3mensio Structural Heart software, giving clinicians an opportunity to view the 3mensio TAVI pre-operative planning software first-hand.
Delegates will also see how this can be adopted to support the growing needs of patients with comorbidities, which prevents them from having traditional open heart surgery.
The meeting will be attended by a broad range of clinical cardiologists, 心脏外科医生, 先进的学员和心脏病学培训学员, 超声检查, 见习超声检查, 心脏技师, cardiac nurses and other allied health professionals.
The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand will hold its Scientific Meeting in conjunction with the 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Heart Research, and the Australia and New Zealand Endovascular Therapies meeting.