CDN are pleased to announce the completion of our installation into Henan Provincial People’s Hospital in China.
About the Henan Provincial People’s Hospital
- Henan Provincial People’s Hospital is a Class 3A (highest level in China to evaluate the scale/level of hospitals ) Hospital.
- It is also the 2nd largest hospital and is the No. 1 Cardiology hospital in Henan Province (the province with the 3rd largest population in China of just over 94 Million in 2013).
- The hospital has over 4000 beds, which caters for more than 26 Million Emergency Patient’s per year.
- CDN provides PACS , CVIS, CardioSR, Merlin Web to the Central Cath lab (for Cardiology, Cerebral, and Neurology Department).
- There are 8 Cath labs with many Cardiac and Vascular devices e.g. DSA, IVUS, Pressure wire, OCT, etc and they have more than 70 Cardiologists & 60 Neurologists.