CDN is gearing up to recognise International Day of Radiology on November 8.
With managing director Robert Zanier at the helm at CDN – along with radiology specialist Ravi Abeydeera – CDN will use the day to recognise its vast achievements.
“We always look forward to recognising this day and the important role that we play in all areas of radiology,” Rob said.
International Day of Radiology was established in 2012 to celebrate the changing role in modern healthcare of medical imaging.
The date of November 8 is also the anniversary behind the discovery of X-rays, as discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen in 1895.
This year’s theme is about highlighting the crucial role of imaging in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of sports injuries, and the significance of understanding the anatomy, biomechanics and surgical treatment options.
CDN has excelled over the past 25 years through CardioSR, and will continue to use its web-based clinical structured reporting suite for all cardiology procedures and user roles, which has been designed to provide a lightweight solution to the industry.
Log onto www.internationaldayofradiology.com for more information.