A passion for e-commerce has been a profitable career choice for Cameron Rouch.
For the past two years Cameron has turned the sale of online products into a thriving business, while enhancing his reputation as an e-commerce guru.
His success has been picked up by CDN, who have employed the 27-year-old in an e-commerce sales role.
“I enjoy working with the talented team of developers at CDN, bringing a powerful and exciting digital product to businesses and individuals,” he said.
“These people will really benefit from what CDN has created.”
Before discovering his foothold in e-commerce, Cameron enjoyed a career in mechanical engineering with a focus on mining and building service industries.
“I discovered e-commerce and marketing a few years ago and was excited by the opportunities in this area,” he said.
“The opportunity to use my creativity as well as my analytical approach – developed through engineering – led me to launch my own e-commerce business in 2017.
“I’m now in a position where I can share what I’ve learnt with local businesses, which can benefit from a stronger online presence.”
When not behind a laptop and succeeding in e-commerce, Cameron enjoys pedalling an outdoors lifestyle.
“Aside from my strong interest in business and technology, I have a passion for the outdoors and you can regularly find me out hiking or on my mountain bike,” he said.