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Welcome to CDN

Central Data Networks is a proud Australian company with 30 years of experience in the business of Information Technology.

We focus on organising and managing information and data for our valued clients and have created and developed a first-class suite of Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS) and information system solutions.

Our knowledgeable team of passionate professionals build and construct PACS systems for the needs of radiologists, cardiologists and healthcare providers.

Our business is geared towards:
– Clinicians who want a more timely diagnosis for their patients.
– Hospitals seeking better accuracy and efficiency for the clinicians and patients
– Local health districts wanting a better working solution for their hospitals.
– Governments who want better outcomes.
Our software designers, technical specialists, sales teams and support staff all live and work in Australia. And yes, we really do care.
Today we proudly service a very large range of hospitals across Australia, South Pacific and Asia.

Developing & deployment of BOOKMI, FINDMI, RIS, PACS, Web  and Cardiology solutions often leads to a compromise in functionality through attempting to integrate and support systems from  multi-vendor providers.

With RIS, PACS and Web solutions from CDN, clinical users no longer have to make these compromises as we provide a single vendor solution.

We at CDN have partnered with world leading Cardiac software companies to provide the best solution there is to offer.

Our Clinical Solution partners in cardiology are:

– Caas Qardia for Echo software solutions which include LV EF SG & RV analysis; and

PIE Medical Imaging (3mensio & Caas) products

Over 30 years of development with large scale Private radiology and Public hospital customers, have lead to the current generation of CDN RIS and Merlin PACS.

By utilizing the latest Microsoft programming tools, CDN have created a RIS/PACS/Web solution supported on both Apple MAC and Windows platforms comprising:
