CRIS [CDN Radiology Information System]

CRIS is a zero footprint web application that allows reception staff and other clinical users to manage the patient journey across the department. The colour coded feature provides the user with “at a glance” capability to efficiently fill gaps and manage the patient journey in a timely way from beginning to end.

When linked with a EMR, EHR, HIS or the CDN e-Orders module allows the clinical receptionist to book [like a scratch pad] and schedule your patient’s appointment. The SMS capability is available for reminders to ensure your appointment schedule is full for the benefit of the business manager and other clinical users.

The scheduler includes varying “time-laps” capability for procedures such as Nuclear Medicine and other time lapse episodes which need to be managed. Widely used and accepted, CRIS features Intelli sense functionality for postcodes, address, booking codes, referrers, etc for users to quickly complete the task with the patient perhaps at the counter. The inbound / outbound HL7 capability within CRIS makes the EMR and other disparate applications usable to the other users across the enterprise.

Many other compliant interface standards like XML, WebServices, DB-2-DB are also available. Help is never far from the fingertips of the user, as are DB4, procedure notes, Clinical reports, etc for dispatching to the referrer / patient. For the CRIS system administrator, there is minimal user management activities through streamlined and logical functions and in addition extensive KPI reporting capability from the MS SQL DB is available for the business manager to monitor the analytics of their business.
